Table of Contents


JuJu is an orchestration tool developed by Canonical. By utilizing JuJu it's possible to deploy and represent services from bare-metal (e.g. OpenStack) to application level (e.g. Owncloud), hence JuJu operates on the three major cloud service models: PaaS (Platform as a Service), IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Sevice). These services can be modeled and scaled not only using the comprehensive command line interface (CLI), but also by a ready-to-use graphical user interface (GUI). Due to JuJu's interoperability, it can be utilized within different cloud providers like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and OpenStack. This allows users to move models quickly between different cloud environments.

To deploy, integrate, scale and expose services one can provide so called Charms (e.g. MySQL). Furthermore, Charms can be combined via Bundles to represent relationships within different services (e.g. Owncloud plus attached database). Prebuilt Charms and Bundles can be found in a public accessible store.

Unlike Heat, JuJu is less integrated into OpenStack and deployments work only with Ubuntu, whereas already an experimental CentOS support exists.

Connect to BCF cloud

Tested with JuJu version 2.0


In order to connect JuJu to the BCF cloud, prepare a virtual machine (VM) as described here. Issuing the following command should list all available images:

user@cb-pc08:~$ openstack image list
| ID                                   | Name                                     | Status |
| 0f49eaf2-c366-43de-87ba-665ecb953c05 | Ubuntu_14.04_trusty                      | active |
| 0ad51ebe-4225-40f5-8048-a8744b9ea4fd | fedora-20.x86_64                         | active |
| 02fcf9f0-787f-44bb-9c0c-fc377c775e8b | centos_7                                 | active |
| d653054f-86f6-4567-a559-2119b2a78d80 | RancherOS                                | active |

All of the below-mentioned steps assuming a prepared Ubuntu Trusty (14.04) image, which can be created by executing the command below. Read here for a detailed instruction of building disk images and how to upload an image via the OpenStack CLI into the BCF cloud

user@cb-pc08:~$ DIB_RELEASE=trusty disk-image-create -a amd64 -o ubuntu-trusty.qcow ubuntu vm

Install JuJu

The first step is to install JuJu in the VM, from which you want to control your JuJu deployments (Ubuntu 14.04 or later). Since JuJu is already part of the official package repository of recent versions of Ubuntu, the command below is sufficient:

user@cb-pc08:~$ sudo apt-get install juju

After the installation was successfully, one can determine the version of JuJu by issuing juju version (should display something like 2.0.0-xenial-amd64).

JuJu already contains pre-installed, public cloud environments, which can be verified with the clouds command:

user@cb-pc08:~$ juju clouds
Cloud          Regions  Default        Type        Description
aws                 12  us-east-1      ec2         Amazon Web Services
aws-china            1  cn-north-1     ec2         Amazon China
aws-gov              1  us-gov-west-1  ec2         Amazon (USA Government)
azure               18  centralus      azure       Microsoft Azure
azure-china          2  chinaeast      azure       Microsoft Azure China
cloudsigma           5  hnl            cloudsigma  CloudSigma Cloud
google               4  us-east1       gce         Google Cloud Platform
joyent               6  eu-ams-1       joyent      Joyent Cloud
rackspace            6  dfw            rackspace   Rackspace Cloud
localhost            1  localhost      lxd         LXD Container Hypervisor

Furthermore, it's important to have the following variables in your environment, since JuJu needs them to have access to the right tenant and user name of your OpenStack project:


Create metadata image

This step is necessary to create the metadata of an image. The data consists of endpoint, region, image ID and so forth. It is needed to provide JuJu all necessary information for the later creation of the controller.

user@cb-pc08:~$ juju metadata generate-image -d ~/metadata \
                                             -i 2a3f51cf-c7dc-4364-9b17-458bd23c0aba \
                                             -s trusty \
                                             -r BCF \
                                             -u $OS_AUTH_URL 
Flag Description
-d The directory where the metadata will be placed. Must exist.
-i The image ID. Issue openstack image list to retrieve the respective ID.
-s Specifies the series (Trusty, Xenial, …) of the image.
-r The region of the cloud.
-u The cloud endpoint.

Create controller

From the JuJu documentation:

A Juju controller is the management node of a Juju cloud environment. In particular, it houses the database and keeps track of all the models in that environment. Although it is a special node, it is a machine that gets created by Juju (during the “bootstrap” stage) and, in that sense, is similar to other Juju machines.

Once all necessary steps in order to prepare the JuJu environment are done, one can start to create a controller by pasting the following lines into a file, e.g. called bcf_openstack.yaml. This information is necessary to provide connection details to JuJu.

    type: openstack
    use-floating-ip: true

The following, self-explanatory command adds the BCF cloud to the list of the known clouds, whereas the name of the cloud (bcfopenstack) must match with cloud name provided in the recently create yaml file:

user@cb-pc08:~$ juju add-cloud bcfopenstack bcf_openstack.yaml

Verify a successful addition (notice the last line):

user@cb-pc08:~$ juju clouds
Cloud          Regions  Default        Type        Description
aws                 12  us-east-1      ec2         Amazon Web Services
aws-china            1  cn-north-1     ec2         Amazon China
aws-gov              1  us-gov-west-1  ec2         Amazon (USA Government)
azure               18  centralus      azure       Microsoft Azure
azure-china          2  chinaeast      azure       Microsoft Azure China
cloudsigma           5  hnl            cloudsigma  CloudSigma Cloud
google               4  us-east1       gce         Google Cloud Platform
joyent               6  eu-ams-1       joyent      Joyent Cloud
rackspace            6  dfw            rackspace   Rackspace Cloud
localhost            1  localhost      lxd         LXD Container Hypervisor
bcfopenstack         1  BCF            openstack   Openstack Cloud

Now add your credentials by issuing the command below.

user@cb-pc08:~$ juju autoload-credentials

In case this command doesn't work, be sure that especially openstack image list lists all images, OS_DOMAIN_NAME is set to bcf, OS_TENANT_NAME is set to your projects name and bcf_openstack.yaml is correct.

Finally, create the controller in the following way. The location of the metadata source must match with the directory which have been used to store the metadata.

user@cb-pc08:~$ juju bootstrap --metadata-source metadata --bootstrap-series="trusty"

Afterwards you will ask to (1) specify a cloud name and (2) to set a controller name. The latter can be chosen freely, but the cloud name must match with the cloud name specified in the yaml file, bcfopenstack in the present case.

Set up JuJu GUI

To set up a JuJu GUI, simply trigger juju deploy cs:trusty/juju-gui-142 and expose the GUI via executing juju expose juju-gui. You must assign a floating IP to the instance where the GUI is running. Simply enter the floating IP into your browser to access the GUI from everywhere. The necessary credentials can be viewed via:

user@cb-pc08:~$ juju gui --show-credentials

Deploy a service

A service deployment can be achieved similar like the JuJu GUI in the latter step. Basically the deployment procedure is divided into two steps. First, choose a service from the charm store and issue the following command to deploy a scalable wiki bundle:

user@cb-pc08:~$ juju deploy wiki-scalable

Second expose the service via:

user@cb-pc08:~$ juju expose loadbalancer

The GUI can be utilized to deploy and expose the wiki in a very easy way graphically. No matter, how you deploy and expose a service you have to assign a floating IP to get outside access to your application.

Read the docs to get more information about deploying services.

Delete a service

To learn how to delete a service, consider this docu entry.


The present introduction is very sketchy. Please read the official documentation, which can be found here to learn more.